Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: How to Recognize and Manage it

Type of project: Personal project.

Project brief: The management team at a (fictional) large company is worried that the lack of diversity in the company, and especially in C-level roles, might be the result of implicit bias that affects decisions about hiring and promotion. They want to train key employees to recognize and manage their unconscious biases to minimize the impact of bias on relationships and decisions in the workplace.

Audience: Hiring Managers, Department and Team Leaders

Instructional design approach: I introduce the concept of unconscious bias by comparing and contrasting it to its more well-known counterpart – conscious bias, in terms of manifestations and impact. To achieve this goal I use a combination of short texts, an explainer video by ENEI, and a brief sorting exercise. I then offer the learners tools and strategies for assessing and managing their unconscious bias. At the end of the training learners are provided the opportunity to practice what they learned through a series of realistic non-graded job-related case scenarios.

My role: SME, Instructional Designer, and E-learning Developer.

Tools: The project is developed using Articulate Rise. Graphics were edited in Adobe Illustrator.

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